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Month 4-5 Recap

Kosovo was big because not only was it ATL, but because it was our first team change! We waved our alumni team leaders goodbye and raised up ones of our own(including me). My new team consisted … Read more about Month 4-5 Recap

Month 1-3 Recap

  Hello my dear friends!  As we head into the last stretch of the Race, I would like to start sending out a recap of each country. I will post two counties at a time, giving an overview of … Read more about Month 1-3 Recap

Called to Fight

In my last blog I talked about the freedom and joy God has granted me on this journey. With that being said, I think that it is also important to talk about the pain in the beauty. There are some … Read more about Called to Fight

Rainbow Sprinkles

On the World Race we have something that we do called feedback. It is a time of encouragement and calling each other higher; it can be serious or funny, said or in song, literal or metaphorical. My … Read more about Rainbow Sprinkles

I say yes

One by one each face enters the room, walking up a set of stairs from the electronic store below. Each person goes to hug their closest friend, knowing full well that this may be the last time they … Read more about I say yes